Stop Consuming, Start Creating

I love reading! It is crucial for growth, however, it is greatly effective only when you actually apply your learning from these readings. So, reading and executing should run in parallel.

Stop Consuming, Start Creating

OK here is how it goes;

  1. You want to learn how to be a better designer or put your finance in order or start a business or be a better parent and so on...
  2. You find and order a highly recommended book.
  3. You binge-read it and get inspired. You learned a lot. You feel like you are already achieving your goal! It feels good!
  4. You order another book on the same subject. Meanwhile, you keep reading articles, watching YouTube videos about the subject.
  5. This feels good. Let's order 1 more book, then 1 more video, article... You think you are being really productive and getting smart, because of all the reading you have been doing.
  6. After about 5 books, countless articles and YouTube videos, you think you know everything about it, but no longer have the initial enthusiasm.
  7. In the end, you either let it go, do nothing and find a new thing to be excited about or take a half-baked action on it that achieves nothing.  

Yes, I have been there! More times than I'd like to admit. Books became my quilty corner where I felt productive by reading but not taking the necessary action to apply.  

Don't get me wrong. I'm not against reading. I read a lot! I love reading! Books are amazing treasures where we get to learn from other people's years of experience in just a few hours. How can you say no to that?!

However, reading all these books and articles doesn't mean you will be successful unless you execute your learnings. Reading and executing should run in parallel.

I changed my approach to reading non-fiction books a while ago and I see the benefits of it. This blog is the result of this approach. I'm reading, learning and applying as I go along.  

First of all, I use markers as I read books. This way, I'm able to grab a book and read through the parts I found useful in just 5-10 mins and I do this very often, going through the same book over and over again.  

I also have post-its on my walls and notes on my whiteboard. I can NOT unsee them when I'm in my home office : )

In summary, now my approach is as below;

1. Read,
2. Take note  
3. Apply straight away

Often refer to the books you read instead of ordering new ones. Learn deeper in practice and experience the benefits. Continue executing while reading. Only then you get the real benefits of reading.

Happy reading and applying your learnings in your life...

If you have any comments or questions about this article, you can write me at Twitter @oykun or email me at hello[at]oykun com.

One practical tip to read more books
Replace your smartphone with a book.